The average person working in an office at a computer spends almost 80% of their time in a sitting position. And it seems there is nothing scary about this. But studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle subsequently threatens serious diseases of the spine, joints, cardiovascular system and metabolic disorders, digestion, and also contributes to the appearance of migraines, depression, obesity and even cancer. But all harmful consequences can be avoided with the help of special gymnastics.
Why is it important to do office gymnastics?
Simple physical exercises help reduce stress levels, relieve tension, and get rid of irritation.
During gymnastics your eyes will be able to rest from the computer.
Daily exercise maintains muscle mass, thereby maintaining good physical fitness.
Exercises are a great way to take your mind off work and have a good rest.
A sedentary lifestyle is not a natural state for social media marketing service a person, so it is important to constantly move and lead an active lifestyle. Save yourself useful tips on how to combine office work with physical activity.
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The simplest thing you can do for your body is to get up from your chair every hour and walk down the hallway for at least 2-3 minutes.
Watch how you sit at the chair. If you sit incorrectly, slouched, then this can have a negative effect on the spine.
If you can't leave your work place, then warm up right at your desk. Make circular movements with your head, stretch, stretch your arms in front of you, close your eyes. Even such exercises will give good results.
At first, set a reminder for yourself that it's time to do exercises.
In addition to a little exercise in the office, it is also important to be active after work. Instead of watching TV on the couch, take a walk in the park. Get off one or two stops earlier and walk to work or home.
The main thing to remember is that if you do not feel any changes in your body, you should not draw premature conclusions. Many diseases occur asymptomatically and can manifest themselves after a long period of development. Therefore, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and improve your health. Today, there is a whole direction called “biohacking”, which develops unique methods for maintaining and prolonging vital energy. You can learn more about this from the free online lesson “ Productivity Island ”. Follow the link right now and change your life for the better!