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What is the difference between XML sitemaps









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website's sitemap and determine whether the last modified tag date of any page has changed (by comparing it to its index) and whether it should revisit them with crawler. HTML Sitemap HTML sitemaps are a visual representation of the structure of a website. Just like an XML sitemap, they list all the most important pages of a website, but in a more human-friendly way. html sitemap HTML sitemaps make it easy to find a page when it's difficult to do so in a website's main navigation menu or within internal links. HTML sitemaps are not as common as XML sitemaps because.

Webmasters on the one hand, and a considerable amount of SEO specialists Mexico Phone Number List on the other hand, do not understand their importance.  and HTML sitemapsThe main difference between HTML and XML sitemap is that XML sitemap is used to help search crawlers navigate your site while HTML sitemap guides users through your business store pages. In short, the XML sitemap targets bots, while the HTML sitemap targets humans. And if you're wondering which one to use, the answer is simple: both , because they both offer valuable benefits: HTML Sitemap Better site navigation – a sitemap can be like a table of contents of all pages.

Improved starting point for crawling – because the HTML sitemap is a page with anchor links, it is very useful for search crawlers to discover and index the pages placed there. XML Sitemap You tell Google exactly which URLs are important to you; Better crawling of the site – the sitemap of the site makes it easier for search engines to crawl and discover its pages, even if some of them do not have internal links; Faster page indexing — XML sitemap is the best way to notify search engines about new or edited content, which increases indexability and improves search rankings. Why are sitemaps important.


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