Accept this as a reality! Property management companies exist because of them, otherwise the landlord would manage his property on his own. So, instead of complaining about problems, be thankful every day that they exist, because that is the reason for your existence. However, just because problems exist does not mean you need to be like a benin telegram data firefighter, “putting out fires” every day. That is what makes the job exhausting and tiring.
To prevent work from happening this way, it is essential to have preventive work. And that is what we will address in the next topic.
Preventive work
lease agreements
Only with preventive work will you be able to avoid being like a firefighter putting out fires every day. Doing what needs to be done preventively is the best method to minimize problems and, when they arise, resolve them easily.
For example:
Don't want to have a high default rate? Carry out a rigorous registration analysis and have solid rental guarantees.
Don't want to have problems during the final inspection? Carry out a good initial inspection , with text and photos.
Don't want to have problems if a fire breaks out? Take out and renew fire insurance .
Don't want to go crazy trying to manage the rental costs? Get all the bills and find out about them at the time of the acquisition.
And so it goes! Most of the problems that occur within real estate agencies are because someone neglected some of the preventive activities and in the end, ends up having to rush to resolve something that could have been perfectly avoided.
guide to property management
Organization of rental contracts
how to manage properties
Without a shadow of a doubt, this was the most striking characteristic among real estate agencies that manage rental contracts efficiently. In fact, it is a glaring pattern that draws the most attention among the characteristics they have in common.
The work environment is organized, the sectors are well defined, the activities are well organized, everyone on the team has a sense of organization and therefore knows everything that happens with your property portfolio.
Here, I am not just talking about a systemic organization, but a GENERAL organization, which dates back years ago when property management was done manually, using files and forms. The system actually inherited this previous organization, which instead of being on paper is now done within the system.
Standard and processes
How to manage property rentals
To maintain this organization and make things happen in a fluid and disciplined way, having a well-defined standard and processes is essential to maintain the organization.
Standard for registering properties, clients, contracts, etc. Everyone at the real estate agency carries out registrations with the same care, attention and diligence.
Well-defined processes: When you have well-defined processes, things happen more easily. It doesn't just stay in one person's head. The whole team knows what needs to be done, when and by whom. |